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Drug and Alcohol services
Rural Health Tasmania can provide advice, support, counselling, treatment and referral for individuals and families affected by their own or someone else’s drug and alcohol use. Phone (03) 6452 1266 to make an appointment.
Drug and alcohol counselling is provided by specialist drug and alcohol staff across a variety of locations and is informed by national and state guidelines. The main teams are based in Smithton, Wynyard, Ulverstone, Sheffield, King Island and Queenstown. Other locations are serviced through outreach programs.
Services are provided to clients who use drugs and alcohol and their families within a Harm Minimisation Framework. A variety of psycho-social interventions are used to address the underlying causes of addictions and substance misuse, primarily the evidence-based approach of Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Referrals are generally received via your GP or another Rural Health Tasmania service. You can also self refer. Waiting lists may exist however, we try to prioritise urgent presentations.
Our Drug and Alcohol Services actively collaborate with Mental Health Services in treatment planning and provision with shared care clients. Supporting health promotion, education and training activities in conjunction with the Mental Health, Drug & Alcohol Health Promotion and Prevention is also core work for these clinicians.
Other specialist drug and alcohol clinicians and Clinical Nurse Consultants directly or indirectly support complex case management and improve clinical practice.
Treatment Services:
Missiondale Therapeutic Recovery Centre
75 Leighlands Road, Evandale, TAS 7212
6391 8013 (9am-5pm)
Provides a live-in, long-term rehabilitation program to assist people over 18 to overcome drug, alcohol and other addictions.
North West:
Burnie Youth Alcohol and Drug Service
Creative Living Centre, 2 Spring St, Burnie TAS 7320
6431 9552
Provides a confidential, free counselling and education service for people aged 10-30, their families and friends in the Burnie, Smithton, West Coast and surrounding areas.
Social and family support services provide psychological support as well as helping with medical, financial, housing and legal issues, and are important in maintaining recovery in the community.
There are a range of Social support services available for housing, financial, legal and health issues and more.
Alcohol and Drug Service (ADS) – South
1300 139 641 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)
ADS is a key provider of specialist treatment services for Tasmanians who are affected by alcohol and drug use. The service aims to ensure that people affected by alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) use have access to appropriate, timely, effective and quality treatment services, support and interventions which are based on contemporary best practice.
The service provides three key programs:
- Psychosocial Interventions and Support: Including outreach service, relapse prevention, management of complex needs, brief and early interventions, smoking cessation and youth services
- Opioid Pharmacotherapy: The provision of prescribed medication to enable Opioid users to reduce or stop illegal, harmful or dangerous drug use. Pharmacotherapy is provided by doctors in the ADS and by accredited general practitioners in the community. Dosing occurs in community pharmacies and through two ADS-run pharmacies located in St Johns Park, New Town and the new Clarence Integrated Care Centre at Rosny.
- Withdrawal Management: ADS manages a specialist residential withdrawal management service at St Johns Park, New Town. The service is a 10 bed unit providing statewide withdrawal management services.
The Bridge Program (Hobart) provides an eight week residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation program and a day program rehabilitation centre for men and women over the age of 18. Community Treatment programs are provided for individuals and families. The Bridge Program (Hobart) has a ‘place of-safety’ unit operating 24 hours a day and is accessible through the Tasmanian Police Service.
A Smart Recovery program operates from The Bridge.
The Hobart Clinic
31 Chipmans Road, Rokeby TAS 7019 and level 8/39 Murray Street, Hobart, TAS 7000 – 6247 9960 (9am-5.30pm)
The Hobart Clinic is a private clinic that provides assessment and treatment for a wide range of psychiatric and mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, alcohol and drug dependence, problem gambling, chronic pain with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Live Free Tassie
Kingsholme, 1084 Ellendale Road, Ellendale, TAS 7140
6288 1188 or 1800 033595
A residential drug treatment program designed for young men aged 16 to 30 who are willing to commit to a drug-free and addiction-free lifestyle (including tobacco).
more information on drug abuse, addiction and treatment
signs, symptoms, and help for drug problems and substance abuse